Hello, first of all very grateful for the excellent work you have done. I have the following problem and need help understanding the algebraic logic of the ICP. Initially I...
Hello, first of all congratulations and very grateful for such an excellent job. Many specialists work with firewalls to protect our computers, however, ProtonVPN is in a lower layer that...
Hello team! I am migrating from NTwain to NAPS2.Sdk, and I'm having difficulty trying to use the imprinter option. With native NTwain library, i can imprint directly on the sheet...
### Description I have a method for executing several operations against a PostgreSQL database from an API in .Net 8. The database context has configurated the following resiliency strategy: ```...
Hello team! I'm using a direct approach for scanning on multithreaded UI environments. Basically, i don't keep a session alive during the programs execution, instead, i create and finalize sessions...