Hello. I hope you’re doing well @AlexxIT @fuatakgun @seygi I done that but I get the following error: My yaml is this type: custom:webrtc-camera url: rtsp://V..Q:[email protected]/live0 background: false muted: false...
Any updates regarding this issue? New ST app supports Illuminance Measurement as capability. https://smartthings.developer.samsung.com/docs/api-ref/capabilities.html#Illuminance-Measurement Also, there is no Illuminance Measurement tile available ( I have only Motion detection, Temp and...
I had the same issue! You should update firmware on your hue motion sensor via hue bridge. Everything should work fine after that
I made some modifications to your code in order the fan speed slider to work with Air Purifer 3H ``` def calFanLevel(speed){ if(speed == 0){ return 0 }else if(speed ==...
Hello. I saw that you released a new DTH for air purifier. (devicetypes/streamorange58819) (thanks so much btw..) I test it out and I have faced some issues. Do you need...
Hello. I hope you are doing well. Any updates?
Hello. _I’m getting the same error for Apple iCloud ics url. Everything working perfect until this morning._ --EDIT-- I was able to solve the issue by creating a new shared...