@42Willow The dev continued the development, currently in version 3.5a Final, available on the Discord JSTECH...Installed on my printer, it's purely fantastic!
@KochChr86 Unfortunately, you won't get any more answers from Jyers! He simply abandoned all development for 1 year. If you want an updated version with many more very advanced features...
@Jackson240193 it's easy to fix it. I use this patch since one year wihtout issue: Replace in Marlin/src/lcd/e3v2/common/encoder.cpp: ``` if (!ui.backlight) ui.refresh_brightness(); const bool was_waiting = wait_for_user; wait_for_user = false;...
@Jackson240193 > But the problem with the printer freezing when the thread beat sensor was triggered remained unresolved (M600): > The print head parks, a window pops up on the...
@Jackson240193 I am too with JyersUI.
@Jackson240193 I also forgot this change in \src\feature\pause.cpp: ``` #if ENABLED(EXTENSIBLE_UI) #include "../lcd/extui/ui_api.h" #elif ENABLED(DWIN_LCD_PROUI) #include "../lcd/e3v2/proui/dwin.h" #endif ``` by: ``` #if ENABLED(EXTENSIBLE_UI) #include "../lcd/extui/ui_api.h" #elif ENABLED(DWIN_LCD_PROUI) #include "../lcd/e3v2/proui/dwin.h" #elif...
@sammcj No, sorry! You must rebuild the firmware with these fix.