Stephan Bast
Stephan Bast
works only for iOS as far as i know mobile: enrollBiometric mobile: sendBiometricMatch mobile: isBiometricEnrolled
problem solved. had to update selenium bindings from 4.1.2 to 4.4.0 (latest)
Thanks, do you know if that will be also fixed than in appium 2.0 which will hopefully be released in next weeks ?
also havent found a solution for that. Thank you. I
I think Jlipps ment to use appium 2 instead appium 1.x. Than the image recognition can be simply used by installing the appium plugin "images" (appium plugin install images)...
@JoelWhitney Hmm thats true, would be nice to know how to handle such usecases in the future.
@JoelWhitney Got a point click action which swipes down to refresh the page. ` PointerInput finger = new PointerInput(org.openqa.selenium.interactions.PointerInput.Kind.TOUCH, "finger"); Sequence swipeDown = new Sequence(finger, 1); swipeDown .addAction(finger.createPointerMove(Duration.ZERO, Origin.viewport(), deviceWidth/2,deviceHeight/2))...
@AYUSH-17 Within a Simulator i can write iOS sysLogs with this to a file : `PrintWriter log_file_writer = new PrintWriter(saveDir_syslog); LogEntries logs = driver.manage().logs().get("syslog");, false).forEach(logXY ->{log_file_writer.println(logXY);}); log_file_writer.flush(); log_file_writer.close();` But...
I'am not so deep in node and npm and i have the question if its possible to put the driver and plugin informatins also in the package.json, so that a...
> @StephanB75 I don't think it's possible for Appium, when it's being installed, to know what is in the package.json of the project that is installing it as a dependency....