Hi @leoscholl, please try this out in Notebook 7. This might not be something that we can fix in Notebook 6 at the moment.
Hi @shirounanashi, thank you for opening this issue, can you verify that this code snippet works when ran as a python script? Can you add a check to compare the...
Thank you for the additional information @shirounanashi, and just to double check, running this as a script on its own rather than a notebook does not result in the same...
Thank you for opening this issue @liquidcarbon, as mentioned in the issues you have linked to. Have you tried the suggestions in
No problem @liquidcarbon! You will likely need to add more than just the `window.jupyterapp` for most of the functionality. For something like saving a notebook it is `window.jupyterapp.commands.execute('docmanager:save')` that does...
Hi @1201wen, can you share some additional information, like a code snippet that can help us reproduce this issue? Are you attempting to load a large amount of data? Also,...
Hi @1201wen thank you for providing the additional information. If you can try out using the resource manager plugin,, (thanks to @krassowski) to monitor your notebook's memory usage. If...
Hi @1201wen, just following up here, were you able to try the `jupyter-resource-usage` plugin?
Thank you the update @1201wen! Lets keep this discussion public on this repository. As we cannot verify that this is an issue with the Notebook application itself, I will close...
Thank you for your review @JasonWeill! OH I think I missed checking for that but I will update this with the appropriate fix for that, thank you for letting me...