Ricardo Campos
Ricardo Campos
Hello Dylan @d0x2f! Sorry for my absence. I've been busy working on a new project, that is consuming all time that I have. I have started working in this "custom...
Sounds perfect! I'll send the first changes, and we can discuss the best approach. This way I can also show you my ideas. (Feel completely free to disagree. No problem...
Yes. With this change it works.
Hi @jenningsb2 you're right. I've made lot of changes. I don't want to lost this changes. I will take a look soon and let's get these changes ready for review....
@jenningsb2 I'm having hard times with Rust 😢 but soon I should be finishing this change :)
Sounds great @d0x2f I'm working to understand the backend definitions. I mean, I can understand making comparisions with another languages. But I need to debug or have a better understand...
@d0x2f Not at all! Thanks for working on it! 💯
Same here. I'm not able to test components with `useKeycloak` hook.
All right. I figured it out based on this SO question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65992356/how-to-get-a-keycloak-mock-to-work-with-jest. Just implement the same way described at this link and should work.
There are problems with initrepo too! https://paste.debian.net/1081587/ PS: On Ubuntu 18.04 updated everything works fine.