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Templates with kudos
Hello! My team use to have a round of Kudos. Or shout-outs. But the current templates don't have this option. I noticed three templates with only three columns.
How about duplicating them with a fourth Kudos option?
Or maybe another idea that can add a Kudos column. ;-)
Hey, @d0x2f I'd like to be working on this feature. It seems not a big deal. What do you think?
Hi Ricardo, sounds good!
You probably noticed the backend supports any number of columns dynamically, the original idea was to allow users to create their own board templates by choosing the number of columns then setting colours, names and icons for each.
But of course I don't mind if you add new templates or duplicate the old ones with an extra column. You might have some trouble fitting a fifth column in, I only wrote logic for at most 4.
Hey, @d0x2f sure!! I think that enabling the tool for receiving up to 4 custom columns sounds better than duplicating the existing ones. My idea is to add an option at the templates input as "Custom" and when selected, show an extra field below asking for the column names, separated with commas. Then when the user hit the start button, we create this custom template and send it to the backend. (I've made some discoveries and tests already, and it seems this will require some backend changes as well)
In order of making things easier (since I'm not a designer), I suppose that having 4 columns tops should be fine. (In my opinion)
What do you think?
Hello Dylan @d0x2f! Sorry for my absence. I've been busy working on a new project, that is consuming all time that I have. I have started working in this "custom board" option. Do you think that is a good idea? Please, be honest. If you think that would be better, only duplicate the existing templates, I'm ok with that too.
Hey @RMCampos, sorry for not responding sooner.
Yes that sounds fantastic! When making a new custom board you'll likely also want to let them pick an icon and colour. Instead of making a whole new page to create a custom board, it might be easier to have buttons to add and remove columns one at a time.
Since this'll be a pretty huge new feature I'll be fairly strict reviewing what you submit :P so be prepared for that. I'd like to be able to make changes on your PR as well so perhaps I'll add you as a contributor to this repo and we can work in a new branch?
Sounds perfect! I'll send the first changes, and we can discuss the best approach. This way I can also show you my ideas. (Feel completely free to disagree. No problem at all =D)
Hey @RMCampos —did the custom template option fizzle out? I am not seeing it in the UI, but it looks like you made a lot of progress on it!
Hi @jenningsb2 you're right. I've made lot of changes. I don't want to lost this changes. I will take a look soon and let's get these changes ready for review. So sorry for taking this long.
No need to apologize at all! Just happy to have the tool available.
Thanks for all of your work!
@jenningsb2 I'm having hard times with Rust 😢 but soon I should be finishing this change :)
I'm happy to help out if you need a hand! Rust is worth it hehe
Sounds great @d0x2f I'm working to understand the backend definitions. I mean, I can understand making comparisions with another languages. But I need to debug or have a better understand of the codebase. Maybe we could chat a bit (could be assynchronously) on Discord, Telegram or similar?
@RMCampos yeah sure, my discord is redacted
Hey all, I've made a lot of progress on this, see the comment I left on #159
Sorry if I took this from under you @RMCampos!
@d0x2f Not at all! Thanks for working on it! 💯