Ryan Lovelett

Results 30 issues of Ryan Lovelett

### Infraestructure - [x] Update the build tools and CI ### Code Ogra Error Message ``` /home/rlovelett/Source/langserver-swift/.build/checkouts/Ogra.git-4459770976581387768/Sources/Encodable.swift:95:128: warning: redundant same-type constraint 'Wrapped.Iterator.Element' == 'Wrapped.Element' extension Optional where Wrapped: Collection &...


## SourceKit [textdocument-references.txt](https://github.com/RLovelett/langserver-swift/files/560259/textdocument-references.txt)

help wanted

I am trying to improve the robustness of the `selection(startAt:,length:)` and `byteOffset(at:)` which had a tendency to not be able to translate positions over time. ``` [Error - 1:51:10 PM]...

Currently there is a method [`findBinDirectory`](https://github.com/RLovelett/langserver-swift/blob/bebf0d10c51c8c0fa71d557b4fcf90fb92e64615/Sources/LanguageServerProtocol/Types/Server.swift#L32-L46) in `Server.swift` that attempts to find the path the Swift compiler. This compiler path is used by SwiftPM to interact with the `Package.swift`. Currently,...

help wanted

When opening the [Argo](https://github.com/RLovelett/Argo/tree/swift-4.1-macOS-and-linux) repository I am getting the following error. ``` Fatal error: swiftLanguageVersions contains non int element: file /home/rlovelett/Source/langserver-swift/.build/checkouts/swift-package-manager.git--2409619289911516842/Sources/PackageLoading/PackageDescription4Loader.swift, line 72 Current stack trace: 0 libswiftCore.so 0x00007f7d3c58567d +...

help wanted

## SourceKit ### Request ``` { key.request: source.request.indexer.srv.symbol-contains, key.indexer.arg.indexer-token: 1, key.indexer.arg.symbol.name: "ar", key.indexer.arg.symbol.is-anchor-start: false, key.indexer.arg.symbol.is-anchor-end: false, key.indexer.arg.symbol.is-subsequence: false, key.indexer.arg.symbol.is-ignore-case: true } ``` ### Response ``` { key.symbols: [ { key.symbol:...

help wanted

When you open the `Package.swift` file in VS Code you get an error: ``` [Error - 9:47:15 PM] Request textDocument/hover failed. Message: Could not find /Users/ryan/Source/castable-server/Package.swift in the workspace. Code:...

I am successfully using the new [`prepare_vdi.sh`](https://github.com/timsutton/osx-vm-templates/blob/d029e89e04871b6c7a6c1cd0ec5beb7fa976f345/prepare_iso/prepare_vdi.sh) script to generate a macOS 10.13.2 VM. Unfortunately, it looks like Recovery Partition is not present in the resulting disk image. I assume...

When auto-completing a line that contains an emoji (or any other multi-byte unicode character) the suggestions stop working. For instance, typing `let 💯 = Foo(` does accurately bring up the...


I had a few compiler errors preventing the demo from working with the latest Xcode. I just wanted to provide a pull request to you that would resolve those. Thanks...