Regina Hertfelder Reynolds
Regina Hertfelder Reynolds
Given just how much information can be gleaned from these plots it would be incredibly useful if plots could be interactive (to allow for zooming, moving along a transcript structure,...
For QC of single-nucleus RNA-sequencing, only need to look for outliers in the higher tail of mitochondrial counts, as good quality nuclei should not contain any mitochondrial transcripts. Thus, added...
## Description of feature request When thresholding mitochondrial content, `scater::isOutlier()` is used with the argument `type = "both"`. This tests both tails of the distribution of mitochondrial content for outliers....
Hi, I recently ran into the following error when using the `reduceSimMatrix()` function: ``` Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : trying to get slot "Term" from an object of a basic...