Robin Cura
Robin Cura
Thanks a lot for your answer @JohnCoene ! This way, I thought it was fixed (despite the "Undefined" item popping on top, but that's not really a problem though), until...
Found a way to resolve my bugs : 1. The undefined item popping up when flipping the coords and adding a serie is due to the way the axis are...
Seems this is not working at the moment : I tried loading different (and simple) geopackages files, and all fails (no error displayed, just the importer keeping running at the...
@mthh : not sure if that was the good thing to do replying in a closed issue, but here's a problem with geopackages
Tried with some of mine (that I can't share), and then confirmed with this one : -> EPCI 2023 (gpkg) Tried it with QGIS of course, and it works...
@domak & @antonmry Seems the new version (1.0.138) is working way better : no need to reinstall the driver, and it even works well when deconnection/reconnecting the cable, without having...
Pour info : /
Un livre (libre, dont les sources sont téléchargeables) aborde particulièrement cela :
Il y a un chapitre sur l'analyse de graphes sinon ici : Les sources (en knitr/latex) sont disponibles :)