Results 9 comments of RA

> LspSaga preview_definition() try without brackets. `Lspsaga preview_definition` in C mode vim/nvim

yes. all configured. but still. all good for lua, but problem with python

1. nvim v0.6.1 build type: release 2. i tryed pyright, jedi and pyls. 3. ![sidebar_config](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/70325462/150506769-5dab1fb0-2f32-466d-91b2-fb922400ec34.png)

maybe problem with virtual enviroment?

![diagnostics](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/70325462/150516188-a2069ae9-2cfd-4ff7-8eb5-f174f69a9c39.png) here is what i am telling about

also i find this ![icons_problem](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/70325462/150516311-5d9aae52-b4d1-4cd4-b208-35e27564e55b.png) not critical, but sometimes icons looks pretty, and sometimes like this

No no, when I posted previous screenshot, "diagnostocs" was in my config section. .nvim/lua/config/sidebar.lua

https://github.com/RAprogramm/neovim-IDE this is my neovim config. diagnostic still not working in virtualenvironment python. in lua works good.

``` connections = { { driver = 'postgresql', dataSourceName = 'postgres://:@localhost/?sslmode=disable', }, }, ```