nest new myproject (with pnpm) replace src folder from sample-echo-bot / change .env pnpm add debug grammy @grammyjs/nestjs @grammyjs/types pnpm start:dev --- [10:34:00 PM] Starting compilation in watch mode... src/app/bot/bot.update.ts:11:3...
same problem with App and notifications
I tried both providers, found the same bundle size. It's good that this topic exists and did not have to create a new one
no one can fix it, even the developer of the package)
в npm есть уже с десяток пакетов где исправили эту ошибку, тоже делал для себя. https://npm.io/package/@r3flector/react-yandex-maps
now "@types/react": "18.2.19", 18.3 coming
18.3.1 here) still work)