Good idea. Definitely possible. Messages app also does this.
The phone goes to sleep after amount of time. Then the TCP connection seems to be disconnected for the other side. In the next release Sailfish Connect will wake up...
Can you please check whether the issue still exists in the 0.4.1 version.
I can not reproduce your problems. - What version of KDE Connect or GSConnect do you use? - How long do you have to wait to see device disconnecting? -...
So you close SailfishConnect and after same minutes the connection is gone. When you leave SailfishConnect open after same minutes the connection is still alive, right?
Sailfish Connect was correctly discovered by a UDP datagram, but it seems to not answer the TCP request correctly. Can you please try to refresh the device list in KDE...
Can you start Sailfish Connect in the terminal (`harbour-sailfishconnect`)?
Here is a debug build: [harbour-sailfishconnect-0.7.0-0.1.armv7hl.zip](https://github.com/R1tschY/harbour-sailfishconnect/files/8693562/harbour-sailfishconnect-0.7.0-0.1.armv7hl.zip) Please install it, start from the terminal, refresh on Sailfish Connect, refresh on KDE Connect and than post the log.
Maybe it is a timing issue. Can you please run `QT_MESSAGE_PATTERN="[%{type}] %{time process} %{category} (%{function}:%{line}) - %{message}" harbour-sailfishconnect` in the terminal.
Your network seems to be pretty slow. The SSL connection must be established in 1 second. Here is a build with a timeout of 30 seconds, please try it: [harbour-sailfishconnect-0.7.0-0.1.armv7hl.zip](https://github.com/R1tschY/harbour-sailfishconnect/files/8693685/harbour-sailfishconnect-0.7.0-0.1.armv7hl.zip)