
Results 15 comments of Rajat

This looks like a good first start https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/creating-documentation/

Hey @ggnicolau, apologies for the delayed response. The package supports the passing of custom models to spacy pipeline and/or contextual spellchecker. Can you please refer to the below snippet: https://github.com/R1j1t/contextualSpellCheck/blob/88bbbb46252c534679b185955fd88c239ed548a7/examples/ja_example.py#L1-L12...

Thanks @xei for reporting this issue. I know BERT has a limit of 512 characters and the model currently being used for inference was trained with maximum 512 characters [REF](https://huggingface.co/bert-base-cased#pretraining)....

That is not the desired response. But it is based on the current logic. If you want to improve accuracy, please try pass the vocab file https://github.com/R1j1t/contextualSpellCheck/blob/15b30ebf5834ec099e6292d874c918db3317b2a3/contextualSpellCheck/contextualSpellCheck.py#L34-L35 This will help...

As mentioned in the README > This package currently focuses on Out of Vocabulary (OOV) word or non-word error (NWE) correction using BERT model. So lets say you want to...

Hey @piegu, first of I want to thank you for your feedback. It feels terrific to have contributors, and even more so, who help in shaping the logic! When I...

Hey, [@EtienneAb3d](https://github.com/EtienneAb3d) thank you for raising this request. It is excellent to know you were successfully able to use it for french! Would you like to raise a PR to...

No worries!

Hi [@JuanFF](https://github.com/JuanFF), I have the following 2 observations: 1. [contextualSpellCheck](https://github.com/R1j1t/contextualSpellCheck) would be unable to change "a" to "ha". [Details here](https://github.com/R1j1t/contextualSpellCheck#types-of-spelling-mistakes) 2. The problem with "ciento" is because of the bert...

I have a pending issue https://github.com/R1j1t/contextualSpellCheck/issues/44 on a similar topic, but lately, I have been pretty occupied. If you think you can contribute, please open a PR! The project would...