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> L 01/16/2023 - 13:14:15: [SM] Exception reported: Array index out-of-bounds (index -1, limit 66) L 01/16/2023 - 13:14:15: [SM] Blaming: VIP_Core.smx L 01/16/2023 - 13:14:15: [SM] Call stack trace:...
> L 10/19/2020 - 20:06:55: [SM] Exception reported: Invalid function id (FFFFFFFF) > L 10/19/2020 - 20:06:55: [SM] Blaming: vip/VIP_Core.smx > L 10/19/2020 - 20:06:55: [SM] Call stack trace: >...
API: - ```VIP_GetClientGroupCount(int iClient)``` - ```VIP_GetClientGroup(int iClient, int index)``` - ```VIP_GetClientGroupExpires(int iClient, int index)``` CMD: - ```vip_add/give "auth/#userid" "group" "time"``` - ```vip_del/rem/take "auth/#userid" "group"```
Add argument for specify server public ip. Original srcds args: `-ip`, `+net_public_addr` Because when i'm running server in docker container server starts on local container ip and can't receive connects.