Results 18 comments of R1DEN

I think this is the price you have to pay to be faster and more light-weight than any other library (conditional compilation) https://github.com/SlashDevin/NeoGPS/blob/master/extras/doc/Tradeoffs.md

> I'm trying to use the time_t struct to hold a dateTime from a fix and print this at a later point in the code. It's working fine except there's...

@DrZlo13 hey there, it seems like a working PoC is already there https://forum.flipperzero.one/t/electra-intercom/6368/65 however it would probably be better to add another protocol to the list. If you could point...

@DrZlo13 any chance we could see this in the firmware any time soon? Feels like the issue is somewhat researched and the solution is a couple of steps away for...

@skotopes thank you for the reply. Just hoping it will be sooner rather than later as this will really help for Romanian and Moldovan users, we have these intercoms almost...

@gherman22 only with that "hacky" way from one of my above posts. Hope a proper way will be incorporated in the firmware some day...

have the same issue as @heyitsyang

@blazoncek sorry for being a bit stubborn, but what would be the core issue with reverting things the way they were? As I've described [here](https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/issues/3467#issuecomment-1774721722)

@blazoncek sorry, my bad, mixed up briOld and briLast... made a separate bool that is changing only when turning the LEDs on/off which will not trigger a preset reset