Muhammad Rizqi Nur

Results 87 comments of Muhammad Rizqi Nur

Have you tried my suggestion though? To check if the cert message isnt empty first before setting that as its certificate in

Let me make myself clear, I dont think it has anything to do with how you use the api. It's a problem within the api itself. The fault isnt in...

Wait, so you're logging in with authToken afterall. Why would you even do that (recreating the client) Try putting this after the "client=LineClient(authToken=authToken)" print(client.certificate) Also have you tried my damn...

Oh sorry, you couldve said that youbdidnt understand earlier lol. You blasting messages make the authToken expire. The client is trying to update it but fails to do so

Yeah, that's weird. I think I needed to do pincode validation everytime I login with email & password. But well its been a long time since then, maybe I'm mistaken....

Only "self.certificate = msg.certificate" should be in the new if statement

The curve client has no "sendChatChecked" method So I tried making one, based on "acceptGroupInvitation" method and classes. At first it gave me TalkException : 'invalid mid', but that was...

Nvm. Turns out it read but it was still not immediate (had to send another message to refresh). You can use the _client_out to make it immediate. In fact, the...

Assuming you've got it working before. 0. Above __init__, set: LINE_HTTP_IN_URL = LINE_DOMAIN + "/P4" LINE_HTTP_OUT_URL = LINE_DOMAIN + "/S4" 1. comment out anything with _in (client_in, transport_in, etc)...