Kollan House
Kollan House
Yea sorry fellas this was a much older version of hummingbot when I wrote it. I'll see if I can review and make the necessary changes to build with current.
Make sure you chown the directories (https://serverfault.com/questions/27332/how-to-take-ownership-of-files-from-the-command-line/533848). I've had issues with configs when the permissions weren't correct.
I think that's sound, otherwise a check mark would do but I think the image is a nice touch to let people know what they have seen / are watching.
The page does eventually load with all items if you wait, but it does take a long while. To load a page of 50 I had something like 8393 requests...
It seems to be in Chrome this is not working anymore. If you click on the icon when loaded into Netflix it doesn't open the Trakflix extension with the options...
Inspecting popup or even the background page doesn't provide anything, nor are any issues coming up in the console. ``` macOS Mojave 10.14.2 Google Chrome Version 73.0.3683.103 (Official Build) (64-bit)...
It might be useful as a default to only populate the list with non-synced as you could prevent making any requests out to get information for those and speed up...
Understood, it kept disconnecting for me and then I was scratching my head for a long while before I was like I wonder if it has something to do with...
I was first using GCP for a little side project and it was giving me errors with SSL (not sure how to include certificates with this library either) and then...
Understood. But I am unable to use it in an INSERT query the database side is fine to handle as it's cast as NUMERIC, but the javascript side will not...