
Results 5 comments of Ldaze

> @Qyokizzzz I found the part of the Wiki article that explains this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-precision_floating-point_format#Exponent_encoding. So, the behaviour is explicit and correct, because when exponent is 0 it is treated as...

传给setTimeout的回调是异步的,会放在宏任务队列里; 调用Promise的构造函数是同步的,传给Promise.then、Promise.catch、Promise.finally的回调是异步的,会放在微任务队列里; async函数体内的第一个await表达式是宏任务,下面的都算微任务。

> Is there any solution for this? Modify the Modal source code, please refer to 'My suggestion' for details.

Yes, I am using Eva. May I know which icon pack supports adjusting thickness?

Is there any other way to change the thickness of the eva icon?