
Results 12 comments of Philippe

Works for me too with the `sudo g512-led -dv 046d -dp c342 -tuk 1 -a 0000FF` command

Any plan to add support format for proteins (PDB to FASTA) or small molecules (MOL2, PDB, SDF to SMILES) ?

+1 for this feature. I have too many variables. Maybe in the same way than `lsp-imenu-index-symbol-kinds`

Interestered for this feature too. Imo, the conda env must be on the remote machine. You connect to it with Tramp and you should be able to `conda-env-list` all envs...

Same problems for me. jedi 0.17.2 anaconda-mode 0.1.14 ``` anaconda_mode port 33429 - - [22/Jan/2021 15:25:41] ================================================================================ Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pnoel/.emacs.d/.local/etc/anaconda/0.1.13/service_factory-0.1.6-py3.9.egg/service_factory/", line 101, in apply result...

With the new version it works for me.

Agree with this proposition. I just tried `g//d` on a 15Mb file and it took 4min while `flush-lines` took 1.2s

I could be a great improvment. I used i3wm since 5 years now and talk a lot with the community on reddit. Workspaces are often used to separate applications. Concerning...

> Is this option given by `lsp-imenu-index-symbol-kinds`? Yup, you can use it to customize items in the `imenu`. Personally, I use the following: ```emacs-lisp (setq lsp-imenu-index-symbol-kinds '(Class Method Function Enum))...

+1 I'm interested to use it into a container