Quinn Klassen
Quinn Klassen
Unfortunately worker versioning and sessions are not compatible at this time because the task queue used for `internalSessionCreationActivity` , the activity responsible for creating the session, does not have the...
Why can't you add the name when creating the callback? Normal Go channels don't support a name so I am not sure Temporal channels would need such a functionality
If we did want to include name, probably makes sense to group with other signal info https://github.com/temporalio/temporal/issues/5874
related (duplicate) of https://github.com/temporalio/sdk-java/issues/1212
An unexported field may still be being serialized if a struct implements a custom `MarshalJSON`. So we should probably check for this case and not error on types that do...
@kkuntim From your requirements it sounds like you want activity names to be generated dynamically base on the activity input? Activity names must be know at worker startup time for...
Getting the workflow result in an async manner is intercept-able in Java so this is inconsistent with the rest of the Java SDK
This same restrictions should also apply to `SideEffects` as well
see also https://github.com/temporalio/sdk-features/issues/177
Queries, and other read only contexts can no longer perform any mutating operations. Leaving this open because we could still add support for the static analyzer