https://github.com/zjfjack/JZCalendarWeekView/blob/6177be0ddb1257711186b8a282dfef5dcb274786/JZCalendarWeekView/JZWeekViewFlowLayout.swift#L588 Here, you're checking "lastAvailableRange.lowerBound" but you're using just after "lastAvailableRange.upperBound" need to change to check the lastAvailableRange.upperBound ? if adjustedRange.upperBound > lastAvailableRange.lowerBound { let availableRange = adjustedRange.upperBound...lastAvailableRange.upperBound ... }...
Hello, I've got an issue from several weeks but only on iPad Air (3rd gen.). I didn't have time to know exactly what causing this crash.. but I made a...
Hello, your code is pretty cool on the effect is nice ! But on my custom font, the algo don't match correctly the good number of lines.. so it didn't...