Default Cube

Results 8 comments of Default Cube

issue is now 3 years old and i seek a solution

just checking on this again since its not been implemented yet

just dont have it enabled by defualt add a flag for it. and people that use that source will simply use that flag thats all

> Can confirm this works great with these keybindings: > > ```lua > if vim.g.neovide == true then > vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "", ":lua vim.g.neovide_scale_factor = vim.g.neovide_scale_factor + 0.1", { silent =...

> You can see some issues with focus in PaperWM in the mentioned issue up there. Additionally, godot pretty much doesnt let me focus anything else in qtile. Definitely some...

has this been added yet?

try coloring the text in some parts. headings in a bright color, properties in another color and values in white. and maybe units like kb and mb in different colors...