Luís Miguel

Results 304 comments of Luís Miguel

(I know nothing about the way either CC graph or the about:compartments page work, so this may be a stupid question, but) Is there no way to join the two...

For me the problem came from Create-React-App's hot reloading module injection. I fixed it by commenting out this line in *config/* in my react project (ejected): ``` require.resolve('react-dev-utils/webpackHotDevClient'), ``` I...

Can you post a screenshot please?

It's an enhancement I've been considering.

This kind of info isn't tracked anywhere, so it's not possible to do it at all at the moment. It's an interesting concept though. Is there any add-on that does...

Thanks for the awesome research! Tracking per-page or per-domain is of course sub-optimal. You can easily have two similar pages in different groups and that will shift the results significantly....

There's no such log. As for the rest, you it's all done in the TabVIew frame, just look for things like `getActive` and related methods and see how those change....

I like it. :)

Hey everyone, first of all, thank you all for your words of support! I truly appreciate it. :) I will probably be fixing any critical bugs until then if necessary,...

> One major concern I have however is based on an aside in your notice; you mention "some major work done on Firefox's side" which would be required. Could you...