
Results 5 comments of Anton

> disableAutoDestroy: false and destroyOnClose : false are not honored (at least not always). > > > > The onExited should have an options (options.destroyOnClose || disableAutoDestroy) check before...

> Is it a known issue/just a factor of React Contexts that all components using this library rerenders when a new library calls useModal? Given that modal components with props...

> It made me refetch a bunch of data when combining with Apollo Client, so I just seperated it into two contexts, one that just had showModal - this meant...

Hi @barrettg, you can close the Dialog after performing the necessary logic using the callback function, for example `onConfirm`; ```tsx const ConfirmationDialog: React.FC = ({ title, description, onConfirm, ...props })...

> How do you do the same thing using a Modal (instead of Dialog)? Modal has almost the same API as Dialog.