
Results 13 comments of Quefumas

Thanks for discovering this and letting me know! This should be fixed now. Yes, this is due to bad rounding, which was always expected to cause an issue at some...

Hi, MIDI integration is of course very desirable (and is planned for the future), but could you describe the exact features that you would like to have more specifically? Including,...

Thanks for finding this! I found the problem, but I still need to decide on the most efficient way to prevent it. In the meanwhile, here is a more natural...

Hello! You touched on something important here, so this is going to be long. TLDR: you are right, but this is part of a much larger issue. Even though it...

First, some clarifications for future reference: * Why we need `Curve.integral` - if we're using a curve to control the amplitude of a signal, it's enough to multiply the individual...

I'd like to eventually migrate all of the content in `tests/*` to be examples in the wiki. * Some snippets are cool and just need to be cleaned up and...

Also, in particular for `LowPassBasic, Butterworth`, these are filters that will probably be available in the future. If the examples using them are doing anything interesting then we can perhaps...

Hello! Welcome and thanks for the comment. I'm planning for the wiki to function as both a guide and a reference, but it's still a work in progress. I'm working...

Thanks! Help and links are appreciated. I'll also start paying more attention to the docstrings on my end, and this will bring us one step closer towards having proper documentation...

Thanks for submitting this. I hope to support this feature natively soon. Short answer, in two parts: 1. First of all, time durations in gensound are always milliseconds when float,...