
Results 3 issues of Quang-elec44

**Describe the bug** When I run my inference code with ```deepspeed.init_inference()```. It only works a few times with num_gpus=2 (num_gpus>2 always failed, num_gpus=2 sometimes failed). Following this link [https://www.deepspeed.ai/tutorials/inference-tutorial/](url) **To...


Hi, I am trying to merge two models following this [post](https://towardsdatascience.com/merge-large-language-models-with-mergekit-2118fb392b54). Here is my config: ``` yaml_config = """ slices: - sources: - model: vilm/vinallama-2.7b-chat layer_range: [0, 32] - sources:...

Hi, I'm trying to reimplement your project and there is a problem. In FCN.py, line 101: there is no 'Normalization' in the VGG19 model. After loading the model from the...