Elliott Sales de Andrade

Results 342 comments of Elliott Sales de Andrade

This isn't waiting for me, AFAICT.

OK, so tests on CI are failing with the change to the warning condition. _However_, if you check [the logs for `main`](https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/actions/runs/7880360042/job/21502267281#step:8:51), it seems like the warning is raised, but...

Note that in the C case (which produces just a warning), it seems to work correctly. That is, if we add: ```cython def do_foo(): cdef A a a = Sub()...

Yes, I don't understand the title change. It's not suboptimal, it's outright not able to compile (in C++ mode).

Missed that `numpy/polynomial/tests/test_printing.py::test_complex_coefficients` also fails the same way: ``` __________ test_complex_coefficients __________ def test_complex_coefficients(): """Test both numpy and built-in complex.""" coefs = [0+1j, 1+1j, -2+2j, 3+0j] # numpy complex p1...

Oops, missed one more in `numpy/_core/tests/test_arrayprint.py::TestPrintOptions::test_legacy_mode_scalars`, but it's more of the same: ``` __________ TestPrintOptions.test_legacy_mode_scalars __________ self = def test_legacy_mode_scalars(self): # in legacy mode, str of floats get truncated, and...

Or even more simply: ``` $ python Python 3.12.1 (tags/v3.12.1:2305ca5, Dec 7 2023, 22:12:47) [MSC v.1937 64 bit (ARM64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information....

No, I am running entirely native only.

> * Mention 2 space indent seems to be the most ideomatic s/ideomatic/idiomatic/ in the commit message.

~~That's `get_variable(string)`, is it not?~~ Edit: actually, I misread, but: > Positional arguments with string.format() > > ```python > a = 1 > '@0@'.format('a') > ``` doesn't produce `1`, but...