Elliott Sales de Andrade

Results 334 comments of Elliott Sales de Andrade

I don't understand why this is hard. The versions are already specified in the cabal file. Sure, some flags may cause different version requirements, but cabal-rpm already has to parse...

Relatedly, Matplotlib contains a way to make [Sankey plots](https://matplotlib.org/gallery/api/sankey_basics.html), though I cannot say whether one is easier or harder to use, and Matplotlib's likely has no real maintainer. But if...

For me it said something like ~8M/1M. If it's really converted / total, then it's even more confusing to me being far more than 100%.

Oops, I meant to wrap that in `string` again, sorry.

The problem is that `configuration->pid_path` is `MAX_PROPERTY_LENGTH` characters long, but `env_variables->xdg_runtime_dir` is _also_ `MAX_PROPERTY_LENGTH+1` characters long. You are `snprintf`'ing the latter into the former plus some other stuff, and that...

Ah, I wasn't too sure how well this would work on Windows; will have to tweak it a little bit.

OK, fixed Windows (I think) and also aarch64, which supports NEON, but doesn't need a flag for it.

PS, I've heard through some NumPy issues that [Shippable is starting to provide ARMv8 CI](http://blog.shippable.com/shippable-arm-packet-deliver-native-ci-cd-for-arm-architecture).

I had a bit of trouble compiling it with GCC7: Auburns/FastNoiseSIMD#24

Using `-run TestCVE202230630`, I can confirm that it _is_ the new CVE-related test, which could mean that `tinygo`-built programs may be vulnerable to CVE-2022-30630. But I'm not sure why, as...