
Results 3 issues of qleoz12

Hi, is agreat resource the code in this repo, I would like to ask you if is a good aproach to create an api.py file to handle the comunication from...

![Captssura](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15818177/59958750-f8a01700-9470-11e9-9119-8b69ee9e0d50.PNG) @Aspect(MainActivity.class) my proyect no compile, this is my gradle project `// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules. buildscript { repositories { google()...

hey Im trying to get luck with this and dont works could you gime some advices, thank you in advance. loExcel = NEWOBJECT("VFPxWorkbookXLSX", "VFPxWorkbookXLSX.vcx") lnWb = loExcel.CreateWorkbook("ArabicTest.xlsx") always I have...