 string sql5 = string.Format("Select * FROM ActionLogs where ModuleName = '{0}' ", "WtmLog"); var dt= _WtmContexts.DC.RunSQL(sql5); 后台任务里这样写不返回DataTable,在Controllers里面测试也不行
### Description Maui Blazor Android cannot force loading addresses with query strings Navigation cannot be used on Android NavigateTo ($"/Login? ReturnUrl={Uri. EscapeDataString (Navigation. Uri)}", true); The forced loading result displays...
Add a scanning box in the middle of the scanning area, crop the QR code in the scanning box in the video source, and only parse the QR code in...
1. Code128 invalid width and height settings 2. I hope the QR code component can add logo images
我使用 Maui Blazor 和 blazor WebAssembly 调用 BirdMessenger 上传,发现 在安卓上使用流式传输上传 50M 左右的文件 ,OnProgressAsync 返回的进度一下就到100%了,实际并没有完全上传 需要在100%等待好几秒才真正上传成功 ,如果上传100多M的文件会卡在100% 十几秒才上传成功