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> Concept: A copy constructor is a special constructor that is called whenever a new object is created and initialized with another object's data. - Special constructor used when a...
Reference: Book: *Starting Out with C++ from Control Structures to Objects, byTony Gaddis, eighth edition* > Concept: Each instance of a class has its own copies of the class's instance...
> Concept: A `friend` is a function or class that is not a member of a class, but has access to the private members of the class. - Friend function:...
Excerpt from _Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship, 1st Edition, by Robert C. Martin_ We’ve all said we’d go back and clean it up later. Of course, in...
The following tables form an instance of an Airport Database held in a relational DBMS: Airport (airportID, name, city, state, country) Carrier (carrierID, name, fleetSize, employees, revenue) Flight (carrierID, flightNo,...
Reference: Book: *Data Structures Using C++ (Second Edition, D.S. Malik)* Table of Contents: - 1. Linked List as an ADT - 1.1 Structure of linked list nodes - 1.2 Member...
Markdown 是一种轻量级标记语言,创始人为约翰·格鲁伯(John Gruber)。它允许人们“使用易读易写的纯文本格式编写文档,然后转换成有效的 XHTML(或者HTML)文档”。 # Markdown可以做什么? 1. > **文本编辑**:引言部分已经提到,Markdown 可以作为标记语言用来写论文、小说、甚至简历。大家可不要被所谓的“标记语言”吓到了,Markdown 没有编程语言的复杂,毕竟常用的语法 10 个都不到(下面会介绍),然而它又可以用来实现简洁优美的排版。 2. > **微信公众号文章**:是的,你平时看到那些简洁优美的文章,其实很多就是用 Markdown 进行排版的,这也是 Markdown 在国内一个很重要的应用场景,如果你也是一位微信内容的生产者,建议你尽快使用 Markdown,尽快丢弃你的微信公众平台编辑器,不仅 low,排版还让观众审美疲劳。 3. > **主流平台支持**:事实上,世界上很多作家和记者都在使用 Markdown。世界上主流的内容网站也支持 Markdown语法,例如:[Medium](、[WordPress](、国内的[简书](等。*Last but not least*,GitHub...
# LList.h ```c++ #ifndef LLIST_H #define LLIST_H /** * Node structure for linked list */ template struct node { T info; node *next; }; /** * Linked list class */...
> Use `docker help` and `docker-compose help` for a complete list and description of commands and options. # 1. Docker General Commands - `docker --version`: Display the version of Docker...
# 1. Identify which log files or directories are consuming the most space: ```bash # Identify Directories That Are Using the Most Space: $ sudo du -sh /* | sort...