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Database Relational Model, Relational Algebra, Relational Calculus
The following tables form an instance of an Airport Database held in a relational DBMS: Airport (airportID, name, city, state, country) Carrier (carrierID, name, fleetSize, employees, revenue) Flight (carrierID, flightNo, date, time, airportID, destination, distance)
Airport Table: Assumption: Each airport name is unique in its country.
airportID | name | city | state | country |
CDG | Charles de Gaulle | Paris | NULL | FRA |
DXB | Dubai international | Dubai | NULL | UAE |
JFK | John F Kennedy International | New York | NY | USA |
LGA | LaGuardia | New York | NY | USA |
MIA | Miami International | Miami | FL | USA |
SFO | San Francisco International | San Francisco | CA | USA |
Carrier Table: Assumption: Each carrier name is unique in the whole world.
carrierID | name | fleetSize | employees | revenue |
AF | Air France | 225 | 84,602 | 15,414 |
DL | Delta Air Lines | 855 | 80,000 | 39,639 |
EK | Emirates Airline | 239 | 84,153 | 18,300 |
US | US Airways | 338 | 31,467 | 13,050 |
Flight Table: Assumption: Any (carrierID, flightNo) combination is unique for the whole day.
carrierID | flightNo | date | time | airportID | destination | distance |
DL | 426 | 10/16/2017 | 7:00 AM | JFK | SFO | 2,586 |
DL | 426 | 10/17/2017 | 7:00 AM | JFK | SFO | 2,586 |
DL | 479 | 10/16/2017 | 7:25 PM | JFK | SFO | 2,586 |
EK | 721 | 10/17/2017 | 11:25 AM | CDG | DXB | 3,259 |
US | 783 | 10/17/2017 | 3:20 AM | DXB | JFK | 6,843 |
DL | 1472 | 10/17/2017 | 7:30AM | LGA | MIA | 1,099 |
AF | 3577 | 10/17/2017 | 5:45 PM | JFK | CDG | 3,629 |
US | 3577 | 10/17/2017 | 9:40 AM | LGA | SFO | 2,576 |
AF | 3634 | 10/16/2017 | 1:20 PM | CDG | MIA | 4,580 |
Part A - Relational Model Questions
What is the cardinality of the Flight table? 9
What is the degree of the Flight table? 7
List the candidate key(s) of the Airport table (each in a separate line).
airportID (name, country)
List the candidate key(s) of the Carrier table (each in a separate line).
List the foreign key(s) of the Flight table (each in a separate line).
destination (note: don't forget this one!)
If the airportID is the primary key of the Airport table, list the alternate key(s) of this table. (name, country)
What is the primary key of the Flight table? (carrierID, flightNo, date)
Part B - Relational Algebra Questions
Using the instance of the Airport database, formulate the following queries in the relational algebra:
List all airport names. π name (Airport)
List full details of all airports located outside the United States. Note: You should use the not equal sign ≠ in this query. σ country ≠ 'USA' (Airport)
List the name and the state of all United States airports. π name, state (σ country = 'USA' (Airport))
List the name and the fleet size of all carriers employing more than 50000 workers. π name, fleetSize (σ employees > 50000 (Carrier))
List the carrier name, the carrierID, the flightNo and the date of all flights.
π name, carrierID, flightNo, date (Carrier ⨝ Flight)
Display the number of airports.
COUNT airportID (Airport)
Display the number of flights with distances longer than 3000 miles. COUNT carrierID (σ distance > 3000 (Flight))
Display the number of all carriers and the average of their revenues.
COUNT carrierID, AVERAGE revenue (Carrier)
Display the number of flights leaving from JFK and the total of their distances.
COUNT carrierID, SUM distance (σ airportID = 'JFK' (Flight))
Display the minimum, the average, and the maximum distances of the flights that are scheduled on October 17th, 2017?
MIN distance, AVERAGE distance, MAX distance (σ date = '10/17/2017' (Flight))
Part C - Relational Calculus Questions
Given the Airport Database, let's formulate the queries in Relational Calculus:
List all airport names.
{ | Airport(A)}
List full details of all airports located in NY state.
{A | Airport(A) A.state = 'NY'}
List the name and the state of all United States airports.
{, A.state | Airport(A) = 'USA'}
List the name and the fleet size of all carriers employing more than 50000 workers.
{, C.fleetSize | Carrier(C) C.employees > 50000}
List all flights leaving from United States airports.
{F | Flight(F) (∃A) (Airport(A) (A.airportID = F.airportID) ( = 'USA'))}
List the carrierID and the distance of all flights landing in NY state airports.
{F.carrierID, F.distance | Flight(F) (∃A) (Airport(A) (A.airportID = F.destination) (A.state = 'NY'))}
List the carriers that do not leave from JFK.
# Using a negative existential quantifier: { C | Carrier(C) ~(∃F) (Flight(F) (F.carrierID = C.carrierID) (F.airportID = 'JFK'))}
# Or using the universal quantifier: {C | Carrier(C) (∀F) (Flight(F) (F.carrierID ≠ C.carrierID) (F.airportID ≠ 'JFK'))}
List the names of carriers that have flights landing in France airports.
{ | Carrier(C) (∃F) (∃A) (Flight(F) Airport(A) (C.carrierID = F.carrierID) (F.destination = A.airportID) ( = 'FRA'))}