The program can work for mac and a binary can be compiled. Unfortunately I don't have a macOS device to test the steps to get it compiled. I know people...
I use Github Actions and PyInstaller to automatically build and upload an exe everytime I make a new release. Github actions supports macOS instances and when PyInstaller is run in...
Thanks for taking a look, apparently the command for installing PortAudio is ``` brew install portaudio --HEAD ``` Without the --head part, other people are getting the `||PaMacCore (AUHAL)|| Error...
From your error logs, it looks like the function `opus_encoder_ctl(...)` from the M1 opus library is expecting different arguments. You could try downgrading your opus or try `brew install opus...
The issue should be fixed now in discord.py, you will have to get a dev version of d.py instead of the one in the requirements.txt ``` $ git clone https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py...
discord.py 2.0.0 released and contains the fix for this issue https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py/issues/8046, updated the requirements
Not quite sure what's happening here. Do you have any additional info like the operating system you're using and was there an errors.log produced?
If you just want to get it working you can try installing python and running the source code directly. You can also try running this debug .exe and sharing the...
yeah that's a good idea, I didn't think about the server use case
I have noticed bug 1, its puzzling because it doesn't happen all the time for me so i'll have to investigate that. Bug number 2 makes sense because the UI...