Rabindra Dhakal

Results 13 comments of Rabindra Dhakal

Did you set the `vendor_id` as mentioned in this section? https://github.com/QaidVoid/Complete-Single-GPU-Passthrough#video-card-driver-virtualisation-detection If you've already done that, then try solution mentioned here: https://www.reddit.com/r/VFIO/comments/othzvr/cant_fix_error_43_on_single_gpu_passthrough/

Add the following to the top of libvirt stop script, replacing username.. This will create the log file at `~/virsh_log`.. ```sh exec 19>/home/username/virsh_log BASH_XTRACEFD=19 ``` The log should show if...

Try running the VM without unbinding VTConsoles. If that doesn't work, SSH into the machine and run the commands from stop script manually after shutdown (remove release script from libvirt...

You only need to provide rom file to the GPU VGA PCI.

Libvirt is exiting with following error: ``` libvirt: error : libvirtd quit during handshake: Input/output error ``` Does the VM work without passthrough? If not, I think libvirt is broken...

Please post your libvirt hook scripts and also the devices list from `/dev/input/by-id`.

Your script worked fine for me. Not sure what might be the cause of your issue.. I still think it might be the problem with libvirt.. If you can, downgrade...

You're currently trying to detach integrated GPU. You need to use pci_0000_03_00_0 and pci_0000_03_00_1 instead.

Please provide the log file at: /var/log/libvirt/qemu/your_vm_name.log

On your CPU section, use -cpu host and remove the explicitly mentioned features. I'm not sure if those are the requirements to get macos running under KVM, so I don't...