Dariusz Antoniuk

Results 26 comments of Dariusz Antoniuk

I had the same issue, but the root cause seems to be that the branch parameter in cargo is simply ignored by crate2nix and it's not the problem with the...

Yes, I think so. Might be a different problem though - my cargo file pointed to the correct branch but it was ignored by cargo.nix, maybe in the OP's case...

Just to note, custom comparison is possible now, the only remaining problem now is with specifying action.

I'm using something linke this in init.vim: ``` if exists('g:vscode') " start in insert mode au BufEnter * start endif ```

Turns out my config workaround causes #642, this needs a better solution

@trkoch the test was failing on master - now the master is fixed I'm going to look into cleaning up and updating this PR (i've been happily using the changes...

I've done some cleanups, but the ci still fails because it also fails on the master branch

People have different preferences, some people like to be in normal mode all the time. This preserves the current default.

@justinmk I've tried doing autocmds, using them caused other issues @trkoch I think I'm going to work on my own plugin instead 😛

@justinmk Yes, it works (that's the solution I used before this patch) but makes the cursor break with multiple editors if i recall correctly. Feel free to take over the...