Hi, during prediction I met this error, have you met it before? > File "/home/yaosw/anaconda3/envs/stog/lib/python3.6/site-packages/penman.py", line 250, in encode return self._encode_penman(g, top=top) File "/home/yaosw/anaconda3/envs/stog/lib/python3.6/site-packages/penman.py", line 493, in _encode_penman raise EncodeError('Invalid...
In sec2.3 you said graph wavelets can be obtained via Chebyshev polynomials instead of eigendecomposition of Laplacian matrix, but in your codes you still use eigendecomposition to calculate them, right?...
Hi, Could you please release the preprocessing codes for generating the structural sequence and the commands for applying bpe? i.e., how to get the files in [corpus_sample/all_path_corpus](https://github.com/Amazing-J/structural-transformer/tree/master/corpus_sample/all_path_corpus) and [corpus_sample/five_path_corpus](https://github.com/Amazing-J/structural-transformer/tree/master/corpus_sample/five_path_corpus). Thanks.