
Results 8 issues of Pyroseza

Allows people to check crypto and fiat currencies using felix, also includes nice graphs

Hi, I'm busy trying out your plugin and it does not seem to be working properly for me. When I try any of your built-in commands, most of them just...

I'd like to start using TigerBeetle, but my preference is to code in Python, I can't see if there is any way to interact with it using Python or perhaps...

Add support for XY Chart (Mermaid) See Available since [10.6.0]( Example from docs ``` xychart-beta title "Sales Revenue" x-axis [jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct,...

help wanted

Add support for Mindmap (Mermaid) See Available since [9.2.0]( Example from docs ``` mindmap root((mindmap)) Origins Long history ::icon(fa fa-book) Popularisation British popular psychology author Tony Buzan Research On...

Add support for ZenUML (Mermaid) See Available since [10.2.3]( Example from docs ``` zenuml title Demo Alice->John: Hello John, how are you? John->Alice: Great! Alice->John: See you later! ```...

It seems like this plugin is unable to parse _newer_ keywords for Mermaid sequence diagrams, here's an example: ``` Could not render Graph: Parse error on line 2: ... Purple...