
Results 78 comments of Pyrolistical

I really like this idea but can we take it to the next level? Would it be possible to render a comment form at the end of the page along...

Thanks for the feedback. Thinking of it a little bit more, there are 4 cases: 1. React: `props.children` is a function ➡️use `props.children` 2. React: `props.children` is `undefined` ➡️use `props.render`...

btw, you might want to do a prettier commit. I stripped out a bunch of pre-commit hook formatting changes to keep this pr simple

I've failed enough times trying to get up to 2048 and think the difficulty level is good. But after 2048 the game is impossible, you simply run out of room...

the short answer is package.json sets `"browser": "index"` > If your module is meant to be used client-side the browser field should be used instead of the main field. This...

babel does some silly things with tagged template literals, going to simplify and try to just add support for string literal instead

added proof of concept with passing unit test: ``` it('works with template literal as argument', () => { const css = testTransformed({ from: 'var styles = cssInJS(`.foo { margin-top:...

You can flip it back using ``` matrix[10] = -matrix[10] matrix[14] = -matrix[14] ```

for those using `preview.js` this works ``` import {addDecorator} from '@storybook/react'; import StoryRouter from 'storybook-react-router'; addDecorator(StoryRouter()); ```

> A generic way to format template strings would be nice. lit-html exposes both an `html` tag and an `svg` tag, and currently only my `html` tags are formatted by...