
Results 145 issues of PyDeps

Hi, In ****, inappropriate dependency versioning constraints can cause risks. Below are the dependencies and version constraints that the project is using ``` wheel* gevent* flask* requests* pygments* dateutils* fuzzywuzzy*...

Hi, In ****, inappropriate dependency versioning constraints can cause risks. Below are the dependencies and version constraints that the project is using ``` flask geoip2 geopy requests gevent astral timezonefinder==2.1.2...

help wanted

Hi, In **explainshell**, inappropriate dependency versioning constraints can cause risks. Below are the dependencies and version constraints that the project is using ``` Flask==0.12 MarkupSafe==1.0 nltk==2.0.5 nose==1.3.0 pymongo==2.6 bashlex==0.12 ```...

Hi, In **OneForAll**, inappropriate dependency versioning constraints can cause risks. Below are the dependencies and version constraints that the project is using ``` beautifulsoup4==4.9.3 bs4==0.0.1 certifi==2020.12.5 chardet==4.0.0 colorama==0.4.4 dnspython==2.1.0 exrex==0.10.5...

Hi, In **3DDFA**, inappropriate dependency versioning constraints can cause risks. Below are the dependencies and version constraints that the project is using ``` torch>=0.4.1 torchvision>=0.2.1 numpy>=1.15.4 scipy>=1.1.0 matplotlib==3.0.2 dlib==19.5.0 opencv-python>=

Hi, In **clairvoyant**, inappropriate dependency versioning constraints can cause risks. Below are the dependencies and version constraints that the project is using ``` bokeh>=0.12.4 matplotlib>=2.0.0 numpy>=1.11.3 pandas>=0.19.2 scikit-learn>=0.18.1 ``` The...

Hi, In **Mailpile**, inappropriate dependency versioning constraints can cause risks. Below are the dependencies and version constraints that the project is using ``` appdirs* setuptools>=11.3 cryptography>=1.3.4 lxml>=2.3.2 imgsize* Jinja2* markupsafe*...

Hi, In **storm**, inappropriate dependency versioning constraints can cause risks. Below are the dependencies and version constraints that the project is using ``` paramiko==1.13.0 termcolor* Flask==0.10.1 six* ``` The version...

Hi, In **ranger**, inappropriate dependency versioning constraints can cause risks. Below are the dependencies and version constraints that the project is using ``` flake8* pylint* pytest* ``` The version constraint...

Hi, In **flasgger**, inappropriate dependency versioning constraints can cause risks. Below are the dependencies and version constraints that the project is using ``` Flask>=0.10 PyYAML>=3.0 jsonschema>=3.0.1 six>=1.10.0 mistune* werkzeug* ```...