
Results 7 comments of PululuK

@rbdlx I have the same issue ! @prestarocket the news about ? Thanks

> Hello @janpecha Exactly the ideia is to avoid to call runner, and access directly `toText` message int default` Exception::getMessage` if verbose mode is enabled of course.

> It seems useless for me. If I can call `Exception::getMessage()` I can call `$e->getRunnerResult()->toText()` too. > > What about to add new method `GitException::getVerboseMessage()` - then you can call...

TODO : Add dynamics hooks :)

> We already have: > > * an example for `displayLeftColumn` and `actionFrontControllerSetMedia` at https://devdocs.prestashop-project.org/1.7/modules/creation/displaying-content-in-front-office/ > > * an example for `displayDashboardToolbarIcons` at https://devdocs.prestashop-project.org/1.7/modules/concepts/hooks/use-hooks-on-modern-pages/ @leemyongpakvn you can update the issue...

@khouloudbelguith can you add https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/21092 please