关键是kit怎么添加inbound呢 还有VPNHotspot需要root权限,不友好。
> @PterX play商店有个应用,Fwd,如其名,进行端口转发的,不需要root 可是kit 没有本地listen,那怎么转发呢
Make it happen, please!
any update here?
any updates?
same problem
has any one get it work
Yes, I noticed the warning, this one seems smooth to me, maybe more people's advice is needed I don't quite understand how to apply translations to my deployed instances yet,...
检查你的nginx 日志,如果有big header,调整下nginx参数就好了
> > 检查你的nginx 日志,如果有big header,调整下nginx参数就好了 > > 求助怎么调整 如果是类似错误,参考链接 进行条数调整