Ken Morrissey

Results 11 comments of Ken Morrissey

Had a feeling I was missing something with the change log. Not too familiar with using git either>

Yep, confirmed it on my end as well, except tpfd didn't I'll worry about it tomorrow. Also, I forgot diss2vs(), does not compile. Also thanks for the updating and double...

Yep, both tpfd and diss2vs compile. Apparently downloading the library through the Arduino editor missed some stuff on the 4.1 updates. So, I downloaded directly and just drag and dropped...

Went through and updated all my readout code, and uncommented some lines that previously didn't compile and came across 3 drive status bits that the compile says don't exist. stealth()...

I was able to check last night and with the new version of the library PWM_SCALE_SUM does show better calculations. I still have not gotten to testing auto grad or...

I got it working again last night and tested auto-grad, auto-scale, and the auto tune for silent step. All looks good. It looks like my issue with loosing silent step...

@thalesfsp in an earlier post I copied my code that has all the registers and a few serial activated commands in it. It should work for your purposes. Since it...

Version 4.5 upon running the code causes 5160 and Arduino to go into an endless reset loop that also causes the motor to pulse as if it was continuously trying...

@thalesfsp my tmc block testing zip doesn't show up on the 5th comment of this thread, my 3rd comment? If not I'm rewriting as a comprehensive example with better commenting...

I dont have it complete. Actually I started making it to have messages on the terminal to guide a user. But, the complexity and time involved became too much so...