Sophie Carboni
Sophie Carboni
I'm closing this issue since it's been inactive for so long, as well as cleared since then. Have a good day !
The only way I found I could debug is to write logs to a file and read it
@andirsun Hey :) Sorry, I'm not sure a lot of others maintainer still passes their head here, I've seen you have been there recently so I assigned you this, I...
We do have something to log from packaged apps now ? A while back we didn't, I might have missed it, but I would love for you to tell me...
Oh my, I've wrote part of this code a long time ago, I didn't realised I used var back then 😂 Thank you for checking, and offering commit changes. Regarding...
Happy to see you back, hope you feel a whole lot better ! 😄
Sadly not, I have other things to deal with, so this got abandonned while waiting for other's inputs, sorry to disapoint you :/ If you find something, please do share...
It looks like it yes. Did you succeed using nodemailer to send anonymous mails? I tried without success :o
I see ! Thank you for your input :) Yeah, if you don't need anonymous, don't bother with it, it's a pain in javascript it seems. Good luck on your...