Results 47 comments of Bram

Hey! I'm reopening this discussion because I'm trying to achieve exactly the same thing. I've started to play around I've managed to improve your jsfiddle, you can see the result...

hey @Mottie :) I've been looking at your demo but something is not clear for me, what would be the benefit (or even the usage) of storing all those input...

Wow, that's really great, thanks a lot! I can now start to build things with that :) I'll work on that next week. Do you plan/want to integrate that into...

Hello, As this repository sadly doesn't seems to be maintained anymore (it's been 3 years now), I've forked it, integrated this patch and upload it on pypi under `django-hamlpy`. You...

Hello, As this repository sadly doesn't seems to be maintained anymore (it's been 3 years now), I've forked it, integrated this patch and upload it on pypi under `django-hamlpy`. You...

Damn -_-' Me and my awful English. This is quite problematic because I've stated that I won't do any breaking release before 2.0 for stability reason... I guess this'll just...

For now, none of them are required, but pygments is required for redbaron.

Hello, Thanks for reporting :) This is probably located in the file, here is the only harcoded "4" number I could find: (your attempt is not going...

Maybe we should wait to have a fix before merging this?

Sound great, thx!