Pete Brown

Results 6 comments of Pete Brown

Hi All. Mike contacted me and pointed me here. MIDI over DIN is a 5v standard. There are times when you can get 3.3v to work, but that is highly...

@daltskin Morten's project is a good start, for sure. Thanks for bringing it up here :)

When consumed from a C# desktop app, I get this: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error Project "C:\Users\peteb\.nuget\packages\\0.1.0\buildTransitive\Microsoft.Windows.Midi.targets" was not imported by "D:\peteb\Documents\GitHub\microsoft\midi\get-started\samples\csharp-net\VerifyServiceIsRunningCsNet\obj\VerifyServiceIsRunningCsNet.csproj.nuget.g.targets" at (4,5), due to...

> What about adding it to the description? Something like: > > ``` > COMMANDS: > dog The dog command > Aliases: some-dog, a-dog > giraffe The giraffe command >...

> > Are there any good resources for debugging 0xC000027B exceptions? Especially on user machines? > > Currently a crash dump is required to investigate the cause of stowed exception...

SOme more reading on other semi-related repos found this. To add an extension to windbg when you are using the store-deployed version, put the extension here: `%LOCALAPPDATA%\Dbg\EngineExtensions`