Check out the solution I tried (with success) to the Issue I posted: [https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-serverless-samfarm/issues/8](https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-serverless-samfarm/issues/8) Worked for me.
FYI, I tried running the x64 current version of (unified) XMR-STAK briefly before installing the Windows 10 Fall Creator Update. It seemed to work fine, though I didn't do extensive...
That makes sense! Did you reinstall the original driver (or install a new/different driver), and if so, did it resolve this issue? So far, mine's been running reliably at a...
FYI, Halfbax's link above ( to nvidia's [CUDA Toolkit 8.0 - Feb 2017]( https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-80-ga2-download-archive) ) is the one to use, to ensure you get the right file. Just download the...
See my post two items above. The correct place to "download the DLL" is from nvidia's CUDA Toolkit 8.0. The link to it is above. If you are downloading the...