ProtoCentral_ads1262 copied to clipboard
hello. I order and working confirmed but I realized that schematic and board file is not matched with physical board one. for example, there is no DVDD pin on schematic....
Hello, I'm trying to connect the ads1262 with an arduino uno so I can measure voltage with higher precision. I'm using the same connections you suggest and the same code....
Might any of the ADS1262 wizards have a code example for the SAMD21 using a Feather M0 adalogger (includes SD on SPI)? Ongoing challenges with SPI interface to M0 along...
Hello 👋, I am using an Arduino Portenta H7, and an analog light sensor. I tested the sensor with the on-board ADC of the arduino (analogRead) and I can read...
Hello, thanks for all the great work on the breakout board and the accompanying code. I'm attempting to up the sample rate to 38400 SPS. To do this I have...
I used the example code in UNO as well as Arduino DUE. It works fine with default SPS But when i increase the SPS i got erratic reading From ADC....
Hi, I want to sugest that next version of "PROTOCENTRAL ADS1262 32-BIT PRECISION ADC BREAKOUT BOARD" have an option to use as VDD +5V or +3.3V so we can use...
I have installed this library but when I compile the example code I got the error of Specified folder/zip file does not contain a valid library. What can be the...