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Request for help: Changing to hgiher sample rate and turning off filtering
Hello, thanks for all the great work on the breakout board and the accompanying code.
I'm attempting to up the sample rate to 38400 SPS.
To do this I have changed the values written to the MODE1 and MODE2 registers as follows:
ads1262_Reg_Write(MODE1, 0x60); delay(10); ads1262_Reg_Write(MODE2, 0x0F);
When I run the code with these values I observe rail to rail random variation in the output in the signal even when measuring a constant voltage. This is not the expected operation.
Am I missing some other register value that I need to change to get this to work?
Hello James! Did u setup your INPMUX registers instead of just setting up the MODES? e.g. :
PC_ADS1262.ads1262_Reg_Write(INPMUX, B00001010); // ain0 - aincom PC_ADS1262.ads1262_Reg_Write(MODE1, B01100000); PC_ADS1262.ads1262_Reg_Write(MODE2, B01010000);
And regarding the Voltage supply of the ADC are u using +- 2.5V or +5V? I am asking because this will interfere depending on the measurement mode you are using ( PGA enabled or disabled, and the negative measure reference as well). I suggest that you take a look at page 119 of the ads1262 datasheet for more info on that matter.
Edit: Your registers are correct if your electrical connections are following the datasheet guidelines. Edit 2 because I forgot to mention in edit 1: the MODE2 binary I used as example isn't correlated to yours, it is simply an example of my code.
Best regards. Heitor S. Mendes