Results 35 comments of Goshen

[]( That stacktrace is from my server, it didn't push it to the logs, but I have attached the logs for your entertainment.

This might help- This just occurred while generating the overworld but didn't overflow.

One thing that bears mentioning, is that this isn't a crash with a crash report, its a threadlock, the only way to recover is kill -9 the process and start...

Sponge is off the hook- reproduced with forge only- I quit copying it from console after 600 lines because I had to get the server back online.

We just threadlocked for a good 5 minutes then it recovered, here is the warmroast if it helps. Note that this happened while config was still set at S:structureSpawnChance=0

We are having the same problem.

From what I understand, the two versions being deved is 1.16.5 and 1.19, skipping 1.18.2.

It is hard to say, because Corail put in a work around(hack), will have to wait for his reply.

Nallar please make a patreon so server owners can give tribute to your greatness :)

Here are more crashes if it helps-